Better Running Right Now - Breakaway Athletic Events

Interested in better running right now? Don’t feel like researching 500 different opinionated topics on the subject? Not sure where to start?

Here are three quick tips to run better anytime of the year…or that you can mix in as the cooler fall weather kicks in.


Rotate your sneakers! – Running in only one pair of shoes doesn’t allow your feet to adapt and strengthen to a larger variety of run surfaces. Even if you run the EXACT same route day after day, rotating through a few different pairs of running shoes will allow different parts of your legs to ‘feel the burn’ at different times.

Hit that treadmill! – We know the treadmill can be boring sometimes, but it gives your body a break on recovery run days. Yes, a recovery day can be ACTIVE recovery and a treadmill allows for less impact during a run.

Stretch, rest & recover. Seriously…this is skipped WAY more than it should be! Stretch daily! Take care of your joints and potentially aching muscles so you can keep the miles rolling along.

Practice these for the next few weeks and keep a log to see how your run training improves! What are your go to methods for staying motivated to run better every day?