Going The Distance With Friends - Breakaway Athletic Events Relay Team Racing

Ever trained with a group? What about that local weekly cycle ride? Masters swim? Group training can be immensely helpful…but what about group racing as a relay team?? Going the distance with friends!

Not all races allow you to share the feat of racing, which at times can be epic! Some events and categories are specific to it and encourage training, racing and going the distance with friends. Here are a few bullet points to trying your first long distance or ultra distance event on a relay team.

  • Build Comrade
  • Support Each Other No Matter How Long the Distance
  • Challenge Your Fitness Levels
  • Work on Strategy, Fueling and Rest
  • Collaborate Ideas on Being Faster and More Efficient
  • Create New Relationships with Like-Minded Others
  • Take Part in Something Bigger than a Solo Event
  • Gain New Perspective from Your Teammates

What are your thoughts on relay races? Have you done any? Are you looking to try one this season?