Laser focused. Tunnel vision. Tuned in. On a mission. || All of these at one time or another can be describing your perspective or focus as an athlete. Can this be detrimental to you reaching your next level of potential?
Challenging your perspective as an athlete can be tough sometimes. We all tend to fall into routines and focus on our path which at times, means we forget to take a step back and look at the bigger picture for perspective. This at times can be detrimental. Seeing a new workout routine or training regime from a different perspective may help you gain insight and wisdom and even some courage to try something new.
Here are three quick tips to give yourself the best chance possible to gain new perspectives.
ASK A FRIEND – Now let’s be clear here…we’re not asking for unicorn and pixy dust feedback, so select your friend carefully here. If it’s someone that most often agrees with you or is a ‘yes’ friend, they won’t offer much help here. You want someone you value, respect and disagree with (at times) as a friend. This can challenge your perspective in a constructive manor. Ask them what they think of a certain routine, training plan or exercise you do OR are thinking about trying.
TAKE A POLL – Social media can be a real pain sometimes. However, there are polls you can post and seek outside input on. Offer a few options with your question(s) and see what bounces back. Ignore the trolls and ‘haters’…they exist in every corner of the earth and it’s really a reflection of them and not you.
MEDITATE ON IT – Sitting in silence and being reflective can be REALLY tough…but it can also be really impactful. Challenge yourself to sit alone with your thoughts, feelings, emotions and perspectives. Challenge them within yourself. Even just five minutes a few times a week can really help you gain new perspective on your path and training.
What’s your go to for finding new perspectives? What are you doing to challenge yourself?
New Perspectives Can Help As an athlete for training, racing and in life