Practicing Patience is Strength as an Athlete - BreakawayAthleticEvents

Practicing Patience is a Strength | What’s Your Go To for Slowing Down?

We understand…slowing down, finding perspective and harnessing your inner ‘ZEN’ while it feels as if the world is flying by you can be an all out challenge. However, Practicing Patience is Strength! Things seem to zoom & zip along and you can feel as if opportunity is passing you by. It’s tough mentally and sometimes physically. It can feel as if you’re almost moving backwards instead of forwards. However, going at a proper pace and rhythm can really help you make long lasting improvements.

Here are THREE tips for practicing patience which makes you VERY strong as an athlete 😉

PLAN IT OUT – We know mapping/planning out a long run or ride is smart…and helps to keep you from getting lost…but planning out your goals and desires as an athlete helps you see and stay focused on the big picture. It sounds cliché, but it works! Take time to write out (yes write…not type or voice record…WRITE with a pen and paper) your goals…dream big!

SPEEDBUMPS AND SETBACKS – These guys are your friends…seriously. Setbacks and speedbumps allow you the chance to slow down, regroup and maybe gain some fresh perspective on where you’re at in your journey. All too often we as athletes can get caught up in bigger, faster, stronger…repeat. Push the chill button on that and take time to learn from something that may seem like a nagging speedbump.

OVERTIME – Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and plan in extra time with everything…no really, everything! Have a long bike ride with a 4 hour window to get it done in? Make your target mileage a bit less and remove the stress from ‘having’ to get to a certain point or distance. A quality workout vs a longer workout (just for the sake of it being longer) can be counter-productive.

Practice patience in your training and watch how much FASTER your racing can become without even stressing about it 😉


What are your go-to things for slowing down and practicing patience?