Stay The Course - Mental Strength -

Staying the course as an athlete and in life can be a challenge. It can push you, pull you and take you to tough places sometimes. Here are a few tips to tackle this simple tactic and stay on track…

“Stay The Course” is a long heard phrase about rising to the challenge that’s in front of you. It’s about accepting the path you’ve set for yourself and working hard to achieve it. What happens when training tosses you a curveball? When life gives you a huge speedbump? When race day seems to explode in front of you? Have a look at the tips below and try implementing them the next time things get tough for you.

STAY FOCUSED – Yes this is a simple one….and perhaps bordering on clichΓ©, but it works. Turn your focus intensity into a laser and narrow in on your goal or goals for the task at hand. Your mind can often try to distract you to avoid the discomfort of your immediate task. Focus on small steps and small tasks that propel you forward towards the goal. Achieve them and keep looking for the next movement forward. Bit by bit stay focused!

REVIEW YOUR PLAN – Take a mental tally of what’s been accomplished already, what’s left in front of you and how well you’re adhering to the plan. Are you on track? Ahead of schedule? Falling behind? Reviewing your plan can help you stay on track, stay focused and gain some confidence with where you’re at. Does the plan need tweaking? Is it time to toss the plan out the window and create a new mental game-plan on the fly? Review your plan before the training or race day starts and decide on if you’d like to have a plan B or C, or if plan A is the only route you’ll stay on.

OWN YOUR WHY – Why are you here? Why are you doing this? What do you hope to achieve from this? What is your purpose? Ask these questions before you start. What are your answers? Have your priorities shifted? Ask yourself ‘WHY’ at different times – when you’re feeling great, terrible or unmotivated. Does the answer change? Do your reasons change? Knowing your WHY can be really powerful, inspiring and motivating. Keep it in your mind at all times.

What’s your method to stay focus and ‘stay the course’ ??