Our entry from earlier this week was about the top three things we ALWAYS strive for at a race event. You can give a quick read HERE
Our entry today is still focused on transparency and sharing some knowledge with our athletes. We’re gonna talk about the three things we try to ALWAYS AVOID at a race event!
ONE – Athlete Course Confusion – This single aspect has so many consequences on race day. Everything from lost or missing athletes to disqualification and frustrated spectators. We always try to make our course maps and routes as clear as possible here on our website, in print on posters at packet pickup and by explaining things to anyone that asks before the races starts.
TWO – Unfair or Biased Transitions – Every athlete, no matter where they place their gear in the transition zone, will have an equal distance to travel for the individual split starts (swim, bike, run). This keeps a level playing feel, complies with USAT rules and sanctions and allows every athlete to enjoy his or her experience on race day.
THREE – EGO’s. We’re all athletes at different levels and stages of our journey both in life and on race days. At Breakaway we always try to set the tone for a race event of warm, welcoming and friendly. We applaud folks that come out to challenge themselves, strive for a PR or that wanna go all out and race hard! We request they don’t do it at the expense of another athlete. From first timers to fast elites, you’re all at the same race together and we want everyone to stay safe and have fun.