JUNE 28th, 2025

Thanks SO much for wanting to volunteer with our team. Volunteers make our races possible and we appreciate everyone that signs up. Please fill out all of your information below and we will be in touch – not only to say thanks, but to keep you up to date on any race day changes.

Oh Yes!

Every volunteer gets….

  • A fun T-Shirt and/or swag.
  • Morning Snacks & Drinks (non-alcoholic)
  • A meal (100% plant based)
  • Unlimited high-fives all day
  • Free & discounted future race opportunities

If you’d like to volunteer with a group of 5 or more, please put that in the notes section. More info on volunteering for this event can be read HERE.

  • Positions & stations will be finalized on race week. Please select an option if you have a preference and we will try to place you there.
  • Please let us know of any special needs you have or if you're signing up for a group of 5 or more.


A little bit more about volunteering and the noted positions above…

Athletic events can be a huge process to plan, organize and execute correctly. Without volunteers they would likely be much less enjoyable to not on the athletes, but to race-staff, local communities and even the family & friends spectating. Thank you for your volunteer help!

Volunteer shifts generally start 1-2 hours prior to the race beginning and finish a few hours after it starts. With this specific event (Timberview Trail Run), we ask our volunteers to be available for the entire duration – this is generally from 5:30am until around 9:30am. Sometimes we’ll wrap up a little sooner, sometimes a little later. Each of the positions below is in addition to helping overall cleanup & tear-down as the morning wraps up.

Run Course Marshall’s: This involves keeping runners safe and on the right course during the run split of the race. While the course is generally well marked with and tape, sometimes people lose sight of that while they are racing. Your tasks can include being a flagger, pointing athletes in the right direction if the course has a “questionable” spot and to help with any specific directions our staff OR the law enforcement may have.

Traffic Flagger / Helper: These positions may be limited or scarce on race morning, but they can be super important! Sometimes motorists forget they have to share the road. Sometimes, they don’t care. Your job will be to help ensure the courses stay well marked with cones and that if a problem comes up you can re-direct as needed OR as instructed, any folks that “wander” onto the marked course areas.

Aid Station: This event has just ONE aid station. This is a super important spot for our athletes on the course for hydration, refueling & positive encouragement. We’ll need a good number of volunteers stationed here not only to pass out water/fuel but to help athletes flow smoothly past without getting overly congested.

Finish Line: Cheer loudly – Clap loudly – Ring Cow-Bells loudly (basically, BE LOUD!). This is a high energy station. Athlete’s will need help as they cross the finish line with a bottle of water, getting their finisher medal and having their timing chip taken off their ankle.

Awards / Expo Helper: Our races often have some great sponsors and vendors. They help fill our swag bags and promote a strong sense of local community. We also have a sweet podium / awards platform. Vendors & Awards will be in the same area and will require initial setup as well as organization during the race as the awards ceremony takes place. The individual vendors will be responsible for their setup, but may need a bit of guidance or organization in the wee morning hours. Our staff members will help with instructions in this area.

Tear-down/Cleanup: You guys ROCK! The energy of the day starts to fade a bit and we need a crew to help tear down fencing and organize gear to be put away. We also need helpers to cleanup and make sure no trash has been left behind in key areas.

General / Floating: A jack of all trades! You’ll be helping out anywhere and everywhere on race day depending on timing and needs. Our staff members will scoop you up and get you set as the day flows.