What does a triathlete do? What do you do in a triathlon? BREAKAWAYATHLETICEVENTS

This is a popular question on the interwebs believe or not. “What does a triathlete do?” or “What do they do in a triathlon?”

As an events company that really believe in supporting beginners, newbs or first-timers…listen up!

Triathlon is simply THREE sports in or as ONE event. Swim. Bike. Run.

To break that down here is the essential flow of a triathlon race as an athlete

  • -You’ll first set up ALL of your gear in transition with your bike racked
  • -Line up for your swim group or swim wave
  • -Swim!
  • -Once out of the water you’ll walk/jog/run to the transition area
  • -There you’ll take off your wetsuit (if applicable) and goggles/cap and then put on any bike gear you need such as a helmet
  • -You’ll grab your bike and walk/jog/run to exit the transition, then mount your bike
  • -Bike!
  • -Once you’re done on the bike course you’ll dismount, head into transition and re-rack your bike
  • -You’ll next get on any run gear you need like sneakers and head out of transition (most often out of the SWIM IN entrance/exit area)
  • -Run!
  • -As you near the finish line you’ll be cheered on through crossing where you’ll receive a finisher medal, water and high fives!
  • -Make sure your timing chip is collected from your ankle, hug friends and family and enjoy now owning the title of triathlete

Now this isn’t every single detail of prepping, training and actually racing in a triathlon. It’s a very general flow of how race day goes.

What’s great is that you can do a full long course triathlon or a supersprint and yes, that 100% makes you a triathlete!

Join us at a race this year and find out what all the BUZZ is about 😉