The Epic Mini Triathlon - Fort Collins Colorado 5-31-2020 - Beginner Friendly Triathlon

Short distance triathlons, they’re awesome. Why? Take a peek at our bullet point reasons below and come check out one of ours this season. You might be surprised at how much fun they are AND how intense they can be, if that’s your thing.

  • Training time can be minimal – There’s no need to ride for 6+ hours, run for 2+ hours or swim 10,000 meters in the pool every other day to get ready for one of our races. You can train a little bit at each discipline each week and be ready to have an awesome race day with a short distance event.
  • Entry fees aren’t nuts – Let’s face it, triathlon and multisport racing can get expensive! You’re already invested in sneakers, a bike and all it’s associated gear, swim equipment and a slew of other items. Why should race entry be $300? $500? $1000? You can race multiple events with us in a season and still not add up to the cost of a big distance race.
  • Experience local – With a small distance race you have the chance to really be immersed in the local culture. Why? The entire town isn’t taken over by road cones, signs and thousands of athletes.
  • Go as HARD as you’d like – If you’re an experienced athlete you can really use a short distance race to dial in your gear or test yourself and see how hard you can go at all three disciplines or just one to see how it affects the others
  • Meet the staff and volunteers – At our smaller events (compared to the big big races) you’ll have the chance to connect with more people. Not just athletes but the staff and volunteers which are often times just as passionate AND experienced as you might be with racing
  • Beginner Friendly – First timers WELCOME!! Our events are low pressure, supportive and very inviting if you’re new to this sport 🙂

Looking for more info on a short distance triathlon? Wanna try one? Come check us out this race season and see why a short distance race is super fun, super inviting and really just super duper 🙂 🙂


The Epic Mini Triathlon - Fort Collins Colorado 5-31-2020 - Beginner Friendly Triathlon