We know, it’s a little “cliché” but it holds true this time of year – there’s a ‘Spring In Your Step’. Spring is here in Northern Colorado. That means warmer weather, longer days and often times soggy skies. It’s a GREAT time of year to evaluate your training, pivot as/if needed and kick some butt for the rest of the year.
We’re all excited for warmer weather, more hours of light each day and leaves on the trees again. Springtime in Colorado is an awesome time of year. Birds chirping, people getting outside more and honestly it just feels as if you can ‘hear’ the smiles out there. What can this mean for you as an athlete? Perhaps a little spring cleaning of your training. Here are a few tidbit tips that can help you achieve your goals this season all starting with a little evaluation.
EXTRA TIME- As the days start to get longer it can often feel as if you have MORE time each time. More time to get chores, work and errands done and also more time to train. While each day is always 24 hours (let’s face it we’re not time travelling here) there IS technically more time to train. When we say ‘more time’ what we really mean is more accessible time during each day where it’s warmer and lighter outside. This makes grabbing an extra bike ride or run easier as it doesn’t feel like bed time has arrived at 3:45pm because it’s dusk and nearly dark out there!
DOUBLE UP – Piggybacking on the above tip, two-a-day workouts can be a GREAT way to boost efficiency, performance, speed, resilience…the list goes on. What does that mean more specifically? If you’re looking to increase running mileage as an example but find it tough to get a full 10 mile run in during and particular day, break it up. Run four miles in the morning and six in the evening. Mix and match for any discipline you’d like. This can be applied to swimming, running, biking, hiking, yoga, weight lifting – nearly any workout. Longer daylight hours means this type of training becomes easier, in our experience.
DECLUTTER – Spring is THE time of year to declutter, revaluate, pare down, minimize or streamline your athlete life. Do you really need 38 pairs of running shoes? What about that seventh bike in the garage? Are you sure you need to keep the cracked swim goggles? Ditch what isn’t being regularly used gear wise – you’ll feel better! Same goes for a training routine that you feel isn’t working OR nearly anything else that feels overly negative. Training with a clear well balanced mind can be so much more effective than slogging through a workout in a fog!
What are your go to spring time clean ups or declutters?
Always consult with your medical professional before trying any new workout or exercise programs.