The anticipation and anxiety is building as your first race day approaches. Your mind starts to wander or trail off on ‘what-if’ scenarios and let’s face it, they’re not all positive. How can you combat this from happening to such an extreme degree? What can you do to ‘tame’ your brain?
We’ve been there. The pre race jitters. Anxiety about race gear or weather or how your stomach might feel on race day. Many of these thoughts and feelings are normal. You’re not alone. Here are a few tips that we have always found helpful over the years of being athletes AND organizing events for athletes.
Keeping calm can always seem to be a challenge on race weekends. The swirl of anxiety, the thrill of race day energy and the desire to achieve your goals.
TALK IT OUT- This is simple but timeless. If you’re feeling fearful or anxious, talk it out. Chat with your friends, coworkers, family members, neighbors – anyone you think might be a good listener (not a good advice giver, but a listener). Be open and honest with what you’re feeling.
PUSH INTO THE FEAR- Let your mind ‘go there’s with what’s got you anxious or fearful. Walk yourself through the worst case scenario if you get a flat on your bike or if you forget a piece of gear. Play out the situations and see how you feel at the conclusion of different endings. What’s ideal? What’s not? Are you still racing? Did you make it to the finish line?
YOU’RE NOT ALONE- Every single athlete on race day will be at the starting line. Every athlete will tackle the same hill you are about to or just did. Every athlete wants to cross the finish line. Every athlete has visions of their couch, a snack and their feet up being able to relax. Remember that your journey is 100% unique but your experiences are very paralleled with other athletes on race morning.
What calms you down for race days? What are your go to things to ‘chill out’ with before an event?