Okay okay, we KNOW training and racing has a large physical component. What is it exactly that gets you started? What gets you motivated? What keeps you on track and moving forward?
Yup…it’s your mind and mental power.
As we head into fall here in, it’s a great time of year to shift some of your training to a more mental focus. Why? For the reasons we noted above and MANY more. Burnout comes in many different forms. The one that often creeps up on us in a big way as athletes is mental fatigue and burnout.
Sure our legs are tired and we’re sleepy from time to time logging hours, miles and eating a bunch…but if you’re mind doesn’t have a chance to really reset and recharge, your training simply won’t improve and your race day performance will suffer.
Quick tips?
Take a vacation / Schedule full down time / Try three new relaxing things / Get regular massages for a month / Read a new book / Try yoga or meditation for 30 days
Let us know how you’re feeling after the fall and winter season if you give this a try. Focus on your mental game!